Thursday 31 December 2015


A New Year is beginning, and as is the norm, most of us always make New Year resolutions, which I don’t need to remind you never get fulfilled. Most of us do not meet even a quarter of our resolutions. The truth is; we actually do not need New Year resolutions. The reason why most of us live miserable for a whole year working harder than donkeys is because we lack long-term goals and clear direction for the future. 

Any business man or company CEO knows that a company or corporation cannot achieve its goals without clear strategies and a clear roadmap. We spend long hours in the office all year round trying to achieve the set outputs/result areas in our annual work plans. The bitter truth that none of us like to hear is the fact that we’re simply programmed robots of civilization, who spend all day trying to achieve a rich man’s dreams. You wake up as early as 4:00am daily, leave the house by 5:00am to beat traffic, start working to fulfill another person’s dream and vision by 8:00am, oh wait, make that 7:00am because of early meetings, order French fries and soda for lunch because most of us have no time to cook, but if we’re not doing very well on the budget then we go without lunch; leave the office after 6:00pm to Pay less for transport and to again beat traffic and hopefully consume less fuel on the way back home if we’re driving. See why I say we’re simply programmed robots? And it’s not just us! Even our kids are conforming to this sad reality. Children wake up just as early as we do, especially in Nairobi, to prepare for school, beat traffic and get to school early for morning preps. The kids burry their little heads in books all day trying to achieve the best grades; get admitted to the best schools and hopefully earn a slot in a public university or private, after which they’ll get into the work market and continue with the robotic lifestyle we all seem to live.

More than three quarters of the human population is simply existing and not living. We pass through life like a seed, being blown to which ever direction the wind takes us. Have you ever asked yourself who you really are and why you’re on earth? One of my favorite books ‘The Science of Self-Realization’ by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, I don’t know why his name is that long, anyway he says ‘We are given this human form of life not just to work hard like the swine or dog, but to attain the highest form of perfection of life’. Do you think you are on the path towards attaining the highest form of perfection and eventual self-actualization? Every year, human beings are forced to work harder for fewer wages. 

The cost of living has drastically increased over the last couple of years and seems to be on a rising curve. This means we have to work even harder or take Kenyan ‘leaders’ route and steal from the poor in the quest to survive. The truth most Kenyans need to realize is the fact that Kenya does NOT need an ‘Okoa Kenya’ project. YOU AND I DO! Kenya as a country is ailing from corruption and slow development because of YOU and ME. We continuously make the wrong decisions for our country because our own lives are a total mess and we’ve no idea where we’re headed. 

You and I are not mere bodies placed on earth to conform to the current cycle of life, which is; being born, go to school and bury yourself in books to attain the best grades, choose a course in campus that will get you a good salary, get married at 25 like everybody else, buy a house, oh wait, make that mortgage a house in a leafy suburb for the next 15 to 25 years for a ridiculous cost that doesn’t measure up to the face value of the particular house; buy a fuel guzzler to maintain your image, which further strains your dwindling pay check; get 2 cute kids and take them to the best schools by age 2 for which you’ll pay exorbitant amounts in fees, panic by age 35 when you realize you have too  many liabilities and are married to a person you don’t love; develop ulcers, hypertension and diabetes by age 40 due to stress and a miserable industrialized robotic lifestyle,  get your first stroke by age 45, panic again by age 50 when you realize retirement is around the corner and all you have to show for your years of hard work is bills, loans, mortgages and poor health; develop complications from the lifestyle diseases you’ve developed so far and die miserably at 60. This is the sad reality most human beings are currently subjected to, which is snowballing to our kids. 

You and I need to realize that we are spiritual bodies/souls, placed on earth by God for a purpose. Do you really think and believe that God placed you on earth to be a robot and slave to somebody else’s dream? If yes, then by all means go ahead and keep up your current lifestyle. If No, which I think is where most of us lie, something ought to change. Just like you faithfully sit for hours deliberating on the best strategies to achieve your boss’s dream and develop a clear detailed road-map for your employer, you too need a clear road map for your own life. The reason why most of us get blown to whichever direction the current is flowing is because we have idea which direction we should move in the first place.
Just like a dead fish will flow with the current, so will a man with no dream and clear road-map to achieve his/her goals.

What do you intend to achieve in the next week or month? No idea? Then how do you intend to achieve anything in your life if you’ve no idea where you are headed? For example, if your goal for the next 5 years is to buy an apartment worth 8 million in cash, you need to save at least 1.6 million every year, which translates to approximately Ksh. 134,000 each month. If your total earnings are below that, then you need to change your strategy in order to earn more, but NOT your goal. See, most of us down-scale our dreams and goals each time a challenge presents itself, instead of adjusting our strategies in order to achieve the dream!

More often than not, your purpose is connected to your passion. There’s something we always find ourselves attracted and inclined towards; that thing or things that put a smile to our faces and makes us glow when we either think about them or when we are actually implementing them. That’s one way to know what your life’s purpose is. 

At one point in my life finding a job was a constant struggle and one day I actually had a soul searching session with myself and questioned whether I was actually meant to be an employee or employer. Most of us are in a constant struggle and tug-of-war with life because we refuse to accept the fact we already know within ourselves. Ever talked to a girl who asks you whether she should leave a bad relationship? Well, it’s not that she doesn’t know she should leave; she’s just scared of the unknown life beyond that relationship. 

Quitting that job you always have a long face waking up to go to might be the break you need to point you in the direction to your purpose, which is basically doing not only what you love, but what you were intended to do. 

So, as 2016 starts, what you really need is NOT a new year’s resolution, but a clear vision of what you want to achieve and a clear road-map on how to achieve it. Make clear strategies (5 years or less depending on how soon you want to achieve your goals); a monitoring of the strategy throughout the year, just to be sure you are on course and an evaluation at the end of each year to ensure that you start the next year on the right footing.
So, if you know for a fact the job you’re doing right now will not help you achieve the goals you’ve set, it’s time to re-strategize and start the new year on the right footing. I know this is cliché but the journey to your self-actualization starts with a single step, but not just any step. It must be a step in the right direction. Making a step without knowing where that step is taking you is stupid because as much as it will take you somewhere, it might not take you to your destination. 

In the New Year, make a conscious decision to make the right choices and decisions not only for yourself, but also your country. We expect a lot of politics in 2016 as the elections approach in 2017. It’s my prayer that ALL Kenyans are gifted with discernment and wisdom to differentiate between the useless parroting and insults we’re used to from politicians from true leadership which is usually characterized by a clear vision for the country, achievable strategies to achieve that vision and the will and commitment to actualize the vision. If you keenly analyze Kenyan politics and compare that with your personal life, you’ll realize why you and our so called leaders never achieve what we keep claiming to do. Most of us seem to sleep-talk a lot and when we wake up we’ve no idea how to achieve whatever it is we were blubbing in our sleep. Wait, it’s actually verbal diarrhea. The strongest leaders, entrepreneurs and individuals dream with their eyes open. 

And remember, your greatest wealth is not the wealth you run around and break your back trying to make daily, but your health. 


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