Tuesday 19 July 2016

Inflammation Diet

Those of us who have sought advice on the most effective Arthritis, joint pain or inflammation diet, have most probably come across the Mediterranean diet.

Multiple studies recommend various dietary regimes to prevent and effectively manage inflammation. There is however key elements all these studies agree on; a meal plan low in saturated fat, low in processed foods and high/rich in vegetables, fruits, beans and legumes, fish, seeds and nuts is excellent not just for inflammation prevention and management, but also optimal health and wellness. These are all traits of the Mediterranean diet.

The Mediterranean diet has over the years been proven to;
  • Lower Blood Pressure
  • Slow the aging process
  • Prevent chronic conditions e.g. Cancer, Cardiovascular Diseases e.g. Hypertension, Kidney Failure, Diabetes
  • Control Arthritis by curbing inflammation
  • Benefit the joints
  • It has also been proven over and over again to be excellent for heart health
  • Best for weight management and fat loss. Weight management has been proven to manage joint pain.
Based on the evidence above, it’s crystal clear that the Mediterranean diet is not like any other diet plan people obsess about. It is not only excellent in disease prevention and boosting immunity, it is also an anti-inflammatory diet or simply an arthritis diet.

What we eat directly affects our health and overall wellness. It is therefore our responsibility to choose the best possible diet, in order to boost our immunity, prevent and effectively manage medical conditions.