Saturday 9 May 2015


Mothers day as most would agree with me is a big deal to over 90% of the world population. Fathers day on the other hand more often than not go unnoticed. Have you ever asked yourself why you care about mothers day and mothers in general, as much as you do, or are you simply grateful your mum gave you life.
Well, I'm sure you have your reasons for treasuring mothers' day. But is this day over rated?  Who cares whether mothers get recognition or not? Who cares whether mothers die giving life or not?
I care! I care for the mother whose husband just left, and she has to fend for all her children's needs single-handedly;
I care for the little girl whose childhood was cut short by boko haram criminals and is forced to take care of a baby, yet she's a child herself. Who will give this young child mother her own childhood back?
I care for the mentally challenged woman who was forced into motherhood by a sane fool and she somehow has to bring up a child, though she has no idea really what she's doing. God help us!
I care for the homeless mother who was chased away from her  matrimonial home by her ruthless mother in-law in the name of bewitching her son, her husband;
I care for the weeping widow whose property was cruelly snatched away her in-laws after her husband's sudden demise, and has to start life all over;
I care for the weeping mother-to-be whose boyfriend denied responsibility for her pregnancy, after promising her the sun and moon, and she's now considering an abortion, a procedure that could take away both hers and her child's life;
I care for the mother whose husband infected her with HIV, and hers and her children's future is now a mirage, an uncertain dream she may have to wake up from;
I care for the young naive college girl whose 'rich' boyfriend just demanded for an abortion, with the excuse he's married! What was that? You're judging her? My friend unless you've walked a mile in another person's shoes, leave it alone! I agree there are some very wreckless women with no respect for marriage and relationships in general, but I do care for the women who genuinely get screwed up because they were made to believe the person they were in a relationship with is single. Well, that's just me. I do care.
I care for the mother whose husband doesn't support her financially despite the fact that he earns more than double the amount she does;
I care for the mother who has literally been turned into a drum, being beaten day in day out.But the rhythm in her case is tears of sorrow and pain. Which obviously go unnoticed by her care-free so called husband;
I care for the mother who has to stand at a cold corner at night, hoping to find a customer to offer her once most sacred treasure, to a beast that cares-less about her feelings or emotions. Huh? You're judging again? Well, I hope to one day be a billionaire and get such women off the streets and give them hope and a new lease on life but until then, I can only sympathize from a distance and pray to the Almighty to change their situation and if you can't help either, quit judging;

I care for the grandmother whose children hardly visit her or support her and loneliness is her only companion in her old age;

I care for the mother who was raped, and she has to love her child and protect her from the harsh reality that she's not a fruit of love, but a product of a hideous act, a gross violation;
I care for all the single mother who has to double up as mommy and daddy for their little angel, a mother who has to explain to her little boy why he doesn't live with his daddy, like his other friends;
I care for that mother deep in thought, staring into the horizon wondering what the future holds for her and her children, a future now uncertain, since the beautiful skinny light-skinned young girl showed up; She weeps as she stares at the divorce papers from her once prince charming turned beast, a cold hearted creature who cares less about her emotional torture, or her bleeding heart, her one true love who could care less whether she lived or died;

I care for the young future mother deeply hooked in drugs, a once sweet angel now turned dark by the cruel harsh world; by a man who gave her life, a man she thought she could trust, turned terrible beast and took away her innocence; a future mother who no longer sees the beautiful treasure in her;
I care for the special woman with a big heart, a mother at whose heart bleeds day and night, an unending agony brought by the harsh reality that she can never have her own child; but she still is a mother. A mother to numerous children abandoned, children who need her to spread her angel wings and realize God's purpose for her life is to adopt a little angel with no hope for a future, and bring light into that child's life;
I care above all else for all mothers who spend sleepless nights on their knees praying for their children's safety and prosperity;

I care for all the mothers who go through hell to protect and provide for their little ones, no matter the circumstance. Special beings created by God to be just that, special. Special beings who would without second thought give their own lives for the sake of a child, even a child they didn't personally give life. Women who understand their purpose on earth. A purpose to not just give birth to children, but to love, nurture, give hope, illuminate, provide and bless their lives.

Mothers day is a day for all women; because all women were created and ordained by God to be mothers. Mothers to all creation created by God. Mothers to all off-spring, by birth or by divine positioning.
Happy Mothers day to all women, and most specially to three special women in my life who to me are the exemplification of super woman. Women of indescribable strength, hard work, patience, wisdom and zeal. Women with a fighting attitude who fell, rose, fell again and didn't just rise but soared. My mum and two grandmothers. You're the reason for my never-giving-up attitude and independent mind. I've learn't to be a great warrior, one who stands tall in all seasons, even in the valley of the shadow of death, because I do know where my pillar of strength is.  From your lives I've learn't God allows us to go through hell just to get us into heaven.
May God richly bless you and give you long life, excellent health and even more strength.


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