Thursday 18 July 2013

"Psst!!! Don't go out at this time, your life could be in danger!!!"," Arrghh what's going on am I going crazy?" Guess what? You’re not insane. That voice could be trying to save your life!!!


“The truth about life and lie about life is not measured by others but by your intuition, which never lies” Santosh Kalwar.

Ever heard people say that your intuition is your third eye? Well, this could be an absolute truth. Think of all the negative things that have happened in your life and try to remember what transpired in your mind before then. In most cases we already had it coming. Intuition isn’t a power accorded to ladies only as most of us tend to believe, men have their share too. It’s just louder in ladies and they also tend to listen to it more. And how I know this? Well some time back I went through a heart-breaking experience and guess what? I saw it coming but assumed it’s just another craze from my very imaginative mind. And like you’ve already guessed, it turned into reality several months down the line.
So, is it just a matter of shaping your future with your mind or was it a higher power warning me of what would transpire in my own life? I’ve heard it told before that the mind is a very powerful tool that can either make or break your present and future. Ironically even the Bible in Proverbs 4:23 says “Be careful how you think, your life is shaped by your thoughts”. Albert Einstein said that the only real valuable thing is intuition; one of the richest people on earth Bill Gates said that often we have to rely on intuition, “All great men are gifted with intuition. They know without reasoning or analysis what they need to know “Alexis Carrel, “A woman knows by intuition or instinct what is good for her” Marilyn Monroe.
But what exactly is intuition? Is it real or is it just the other crazy version of us who makes up weird stuff to prove the statistics that every person has a loose nut just floating somewhere in their brain? I mean, sometimes I even make up jokes in my own mind and laugh because they are just so freaking funny; and yes am normally sober and mentally healthy, whatever that means. According to my dictionary, intuition is knowledge or belief obtained neither by reason nor by perception. So it’s information on things you don’t knowingly reason or see; where exactly does it then come from?
After my research on the matter from many varied sources, I’ve come to the conclusion that this can only come from a higher supernatural being. I believe intuition is God’s way of preparing and warning us about things that may happen in the future. Intuition also does provide answers to questions about the present. Have you ever had a gut feeling a loved one could be having a problem, you call and the same is confirmed? I could give numerous examples but it all comes down to the fact that we all have an angel who watches over us and ensures our well-being.

Never ignore that voice in your inner being that tries to give you answers to your questions and problems. Ladies, that voice that tells you he could be cheating on you, that he’s not treating you right and doesn’t deserve you. Most ladies who have been cheated on will tell you they had a hunch it was going on but chose to ignore.  It is simple guys, call it a hunch, gut feeling or intuition, listen to it and you might just be happier, you’ll make better decisions and have a more fruitful and successful life.

1 comment:

  1. Intuition is a spiritual faculty that does not explain. It simply points the way...
