Sunday, 29 December 2013


Happy birthday to me! Those aren’t words we often tell ourselves are they? Oh well, after experiencing what seemed like my unfair share of challenges in the past two years; the one thing I have learnt is that I’m the most important person in my life and I’ll never place any other human being before me.
As I celebrate the beginning of another year of my life, I’m most grateful to God for His blessings and seeing me through yet another tough year. I’m definitely forging forth as a much stronger woman. The past two years have definitely been my most challenging yet. I remember my greatest prayer as I began this year being to have peace, tranquility and harmony above all else in life. So, was my prayer answered?  Well, as much as I would have loved to have a definite answer, interestingly, I don’t have a yes or no answer to that question. This is one year that has taught me that peace isn’t the absence of challenges, but learning to live through them by faith; and realizing that a strong and beautiful sculpture can only be achieved through thorough sharpening with sharp tools, just like a beautiful and strong clay pot has to be passed through a hot kiln to achieve perfection.
Some of the greatest lessons I can say I’ll take with me to the next year are first to love me more and let go of toxins. I’ve always been that person who sacrifices their happiness for that of others, but never again. People don’t always appreciate what you do and the least you can do is get rid of those who make you feel like garbage, those carcinogens that will kill you slowly and silently on the inside and by the time you know, you’re literally as good as dead. This has become cliché but your life really isn’t a rehearsal; like seriously you only live once and if you’ll live surrounded by negative energy then you’re better off dead than alive. Truth be told, the safest place in this life is actually the graveyard. Those guys are literally already gone and those we really need to be most scared of are the living. God is the perfect companion for us in our life journey and He surely does place us in the right hands when we trust and let Him do so.
Secondly, I’ve learnt I’d rather have one contact in my phonebook that I’m sure I can fully rely on that 1,000 contacts who will all be out of reach when they know I need their support. It’s better to have one person who can literally die for you than a million who will walk away one after the other when you need them most then at the end you realize you’re alone yet you’re surrounded by “friends”. One questions I asked myself this year was how come some people never really call or make any form of contact unless I do so and even afterwards they still never call back? Well guess what? The answer is obvious but most often than not we ignore the writing on the wall. You’re not really that important to them, if I must tell you the harsh reality. The most interesting part of it all is the fact that most of those we think are friends are actually acquaintances. Honestly, your list of friends is much shorter than you think. Yes, I said it; we most often than not trust people until challenges and time try those friendships and relationships, then we realize we were wrong all along. Truth is, I’d rather share the most important days and events of my life alone, than surrounded by a million people who are just there for the free ride and drinks at the party. If you’re rich today, wait for the day you God-forbid become poor then see who still stands beside you with the same love, pride, trust and faith they had in you before; and if you’re poor or just what society would term as average, wait till the mullah start flowing and you’ll be surprised by the number of new friends you’ll make and even “older friends” reaching out to you. Unfortunately we most often forget those who faithfully stood by us throughout the journey, that’s the unfortunate nature of human beings.
Thirdly, I’ve realized I have to trust me more, forgive myself more and let go what’s beyond me. Sometimes we’re too hard on ourselves over things we honestly have no control over. Ladies, well most ladies, as much as we have caring and nurturing hearts; sometimes we have and need to let go in order to move forward. For any man reading this, one thing you should know about women is the fact that we never really let go until we have literally come to a brick wall, hit it hard severally, gotten wounded and finally painfully realized it’s a dead end.
You’re the most important thing and person in this life and the day you realize the need to place yourself first, will probably be when you’ll really be the happiest. Most may call it selfishness but really as long as no one is suffering in the process and you’re doing what you feel is right for you, then it’s okey. Be most generous to yourself because unfortunately sometimes you end up being the victim of your own generosity.
We all have a God-determined destiny and as long as we continue trusting the one who created us, then all else will fall in place. Not at our own time, but in His. Happy new year everyone!!!

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Scared of change? You need not be....

Change is the only constant thing in life. This is because change will always change. For there to be growth, there has to be change. Change comes with endings, beginnings, losses and gains. But that’s what life is about right? In fact if your life is constant year in year out, that should be a reason to worry.

A wise man once said if you do the same thing over and over and expect different results you must be crazy. You can’t be going through the same route and expect to arrive at a different destination. We’re however normally too hard on ourselves and take blame for mistakes that were simply meant to happen. How will you ever learn what works, what doesn’t; what you want and what you don’t, if you never make mistakes? Even God lets you make the gravest mistakes but will always walk with you through them and eventually, they all work out for your good.

One thing I’ve learnt about change is to look for the face of God in it; simply because He never lets you bear more than you can handle. Some of us are way too hard headed that it only takes pain to bring about change. Unfortunately we’ve been conditioned that only the devil can bring about negative change so we make the worst mistakes, some already knowing the consequences as we make them, then we blame the devil; poor guy! Instead of resisting something you’ve no control over, face it head-on because change will take place with or without your consent.

Of course when faced with a new ball game, you need new tactics. Never run into something new without a strategy and the reasons are obvious; or not? Imagine digging a grave and instead of throwing the soil on the outside, you throw it on yourself.

So why do we most often than not resist change? Truth is, whatever comes our way however hard it is will only break us if we let it. Be positive in all you face and you’ll realize however hard it seems, it could have been worse. Embrace it, work through it with courage and eventually you’ll make it. Fake it till you make it!

However in the midst of the confusion and uncertainty that change comes with, you need a reliable helping hand. The only one who can faithfully and genuinely walk with you through change is God. We’re constantly surrounded by pretenders in life, some of whom we love and trust and are too blinded to discover their true intentions. Trust me it’s better to face the devil than rely on fake friends because you give them a loaded gun and believe me they’ll pull the trigger when you least expect it and in that case, God help you survive what coming your way.

Always remember that getting into trouble is life but making the same mistake over and over without learning from it, is simply stupidity. Someone once said life is hard and it’s even harder if you’re stupid. If you fall riding a bike at 6 years, that’s understandable but if you’re still falling trying to learn the same at 30, then that’s a problem.

Never judge based on what you can see because things that are seen are temporary but the unseen are eternal. Don’t succumb to temporary troubles as the best is yet to come. It shall pass. Be optimistic, look your best, work hard and what’s meant to be will be even if the whole world is against it.

“The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.”
Albert Einstein


Thursday, 18 July 2013

"Psst!!! Don't go out at this time, your life could be in danger!!!"," Arrghh what's going on am I going crazy?" Guess what? You’re not insane. That voice could be trying to save your life!!!


“The truth about life and lie about life is not measured by others but by your intuition, which never lies” Santosh Kalwar.

Ever heard people say that your intuition is your third eye? Well, this could be an absolute truth. Think of all the negative things that have happened in your life and try to remember what transpired in your mind before then. In most cases we already had it coming. Intuition isn’t a power accorded to ladies only as most of us tend to believe, men have their share too. It’s just louder in ladies and they also tend to listen to it more. And how I know this? Well some time back I went through a heart-breaking experience and guess what? I saw it coming but assumed it’s just another craze from my very imaginative mind. And like you’ve already guessed, it turned into reality several months down the line.
So, is it just a matter of shaping your future with your mind or was it a higher power warning me of what would transpire in my own life? I’ve heard it told before that the mind is a very powerful tool that can either make or break your present and future. Ironically even the Bible in Proverbs 4:23 says “Be careful how you think, your life is shaped by your thoughts”. Albert Einstein said that the only real valuable thing is intuition; one of the richest people on earth Bill Gates said that often we have to rely on intuition, “All great men are gifted with intuition. They know without reasoning or analysis what they need to know “Alexis Carrel, “A woman knows by intuition or instinct what is good for her” Marilyn Monroe.
But what exactly is intuition? Is it real or is it just the other crazy version of us who makes up weird stuff to prove the statistics that every person has a loose nut just floating somewhere in their brain? I mean, sometimes I even make up jokes in my own mind and laugh because they are just so freaking funny; and yes am normally sober and mentally healthy, whatever that means. According to my dictionary, intuition is knowledge or belief obtained neither by reason nor by perception. So it’s information on things you don’t knowingly reason or see; where exactly does it then come from?
After my research on the matter from many varied sources, I’ve come to the conclusion that this can only come from a higher supernatural being. I believe intuition is God’s way of preparing and warning us about things that may happen in the future. Intuition also does provide answers to questions about the present. Have you ever had a gut feeling a loved one could be having a problem, you call and the same is confirmed? I could give numerous examples but it all comes down to the fact that we all have an angel who watches over us and ensures our well-being.

Never ignore that voice in your inner being that tries to give you answers to your questions and problems. Ladies, that voice that tells you he could be cheating on you, that he’s not treating you right and doesn’t deserve you. Most ladies who have been cheated on will tell you they had a hunch it was going on but chose to ignore.  It is simple guys, call it a hunch, gut feeling or intuition, listen to it and you might just be happier, you’ll make better decisions and have a more fruitful and successful life.

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Is pork red or white meat?

So, I had this debate some days back on where pork actually lies in terms of red and white meat. Pork is one of the most controversial meats considering most religions are against its consumption for various diverse reasons. Some won’t consume it due to the amount of fat it most often than not contain, and I must agree I lay in the later group for years until my mum introduced it to me some time back. In terms of palatability, pork if well cooked can cause you a serious addiction and I know those of us who can’t have enough of pork chops and bacon will agree with me. Let’s not forget pigs are omnivorous which means they eat basically everything more like scavengers; could this be connected to the awesome taste? Well I’ll leave that to your imagination but if you like pork like me, you might want to ignore that sentence.
Pork is actually in the red meat category. It has less myoglobin (oxygen carrying protein) than beef and other red meats, which is the main cause of the “whitish color” on it that makes most people classify it as a white meat.
Despite all the conflicting information and beliefs about it, pork is actually one of the most nutritious meats out there. First on the list is its high B vitamin content; thiamin, niacin, B6 and B12 which is higher that of most other meats. The B vitamins act as co-enzymes in most metabolic activities hence are very essential in any balance diet.
It also contains Iron, Zinc, Selenium; which is the only anti-oxidant mineral and of course the most obvious, protein. All the nutrients listed are crucial for optimal body functioning hence pork may not be such a bad meat after all. Go for lean pork though to keep the unwanted cholesterol at bay.
One of the lows of pork is the presence of many disease causing parasites in it especially trichinella worms, which can actually be directly related to what pigs eat. This means that pork has to be cooked thoroughly and under high temperatures for it to be safe to eat. The recommended temperature for cooking pork is 1450 F for at least 3 minutes for fresh meats and 1400 F for pre-cooked meats.

Did you know pigs don’t have sweat glands? This obviously means that most toxins are not well excreted. This has stirred up a lot of controversy on the safety of pork consumption and possible toxicity. As a nutritionist I can without a doubt say that pork is one of the most nutritious meats out there. The safety in terms of toxin levels, cholesterol and parasites are still under research and we hope to hear more on the same in the future from the research institutions.

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Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Don't like Guyabano alone as a fruit? Try Guyabano-Mango smoothie. Check the recipe below....



I’ve always had this question asked; what’s the difference between a milk shake and a smoothie? Well, the differences are majorly in the ingredients and their consistencies. A milk shake as the name suggests is majorly made with milk, ice cream or yoghurt and is light in consistency as it contains less fruit or vegetables. A smoothie on the other hand has a thicker consistency and the major ingredients are fruits or vegetables, ice cubes and a little milk, yoghurt or ice cubes. Smoothie and milk shakes are very easy to make, can be made with very little time and make very healthy snacks.

Guyabano Shake Ingredients:
  • 1 ½ cup Guyabano, peeled and seeded
  • 1  cup diced  Mango
  • 1 cup ultra heated milk
  • ½  cup ice cubes
  • ¼ cup natural organic honey
  • 1 slice sweet melon

Guyabano Shake Procedure:

Clean ripe Guyabano and cut in half, with clean hands pull the fleshy part out and take off the seeds. Place the contents in a clean bowl. Wash and peel ripe mango then dice it. Place all the prepared ingredients apart from the sweet melon in a blender (depending on capacity) and pulse until smooth. Taste so you can add honey if need be. Cut the melon slice into any shape of your choice. Pour the shake into a long glass, garnish with the melon slice and serve. In case you’re allergic to honey, you can replace it with sugar or an artificial sweetener as needed but go easy on the sugar due to its high calorie content.

Nutritional Information:

Guyabano is loaded with Vitamin C, B1, B2 among others, the milk is loaded with calcium which is a protagonist for Vitamin C (they work well together), honey has anti-inflammatory properties, supports Bifido bacteria in the gastro intestinal tract which is important for efficient digestion, contains antioxidants among other benefits and mangoes have vitamin A, C, folate, potassium and copper among others.

This in one snack everyone can take and actually enjoy; even the kids, it’s cheaper and healthier when made from fresh fruits at home and is free from chemicals. The honey is more preferable as a sweetener as it’s a great energy booster. You can pack the shake for yourself as an office snack or for the kids.

NB: In case of any allergies please adjust the ingredients accordingly to best suit your situation, but always research as some ingredients could be antagonistic to each other. Honey can cause botulism hence it shouldn’t be fed to babies/infants.

Enjoy more recipes and good health with StellarAfya.


Monday, 1 July 2013

Why you should add Guyabano/Soursop/Matomoko to your shopping cart...


Scientific name: AnnonaMuricataCommon names: Matomoka (Kikuyu), cherongori (Kalenjin), matotomoko(Meru), guanábana(Spanish), graviola(Portuguese),  Brazilian pawpaw

Guyabano fruit is one of those fruits we tend to ignore at the market because its outer look isn't exactly attractive and its taste isn't on the sweet side either. This fruit tends to have several lookalikes like the horned melon so in case you’re still wondering, it’s a green, pear-shaped fruit covered with soft spines, thin skin and the soft edible whitish pulp that is fleshy and fibrous; the seeds are black and inedible. Guyabano fruit has a sweet-sour flavor/ a little tart that tastes like pineapple and strawberry with a tang of sour citrus taste.
The nutritional and health benefits of this not so known fruit are tremendous.  One of the early scientific researches done in 1976 shows that one chemical is 10,000 times more potent than the chemotherapeutic drug Adriamycin. Extracts from the tree were shown to: Effectively target and kill malignant cells in 12 types of cancer, including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreatic cancer.
The most important thing to note is that unlike chemotherapy, laboratory tests show that the compound extracted from the Guyabano tree selectively hunts down and kills only cancer cells and doesn't harm the healthy cells. Various parts of the tree–including the bark, leaves, roots, fruit and fruit-seeds–have been used for centuries by medicine men and native Indians in South America to treat heart disease, asthma, liver problems and arthritis.
This fruit is pumped with antioxidants, it has been found to have substances that can inhibit Herpes Simplex Virus, hypotensive activities; it lowers blood pressure as a vasodilator hence if you’re on hypertension drugs or you have hypotension/low blood pressure, you should take it sparingly. It also has anti-depressive properties among many other benefits, some of which are still under research.
The fruit and juice is used against worms and parasites, to cool down fevers, to increase mother's milk after childbirth. It can also be used for diarrhea or inflammation in the bowels as a drying agent.
On the overall nutritional value, Guyabano fruit is high in carbohydrates, particularly fructose. The fruit contains significant amounts of vitamin C, vitamin B1, and vitamin B2 just to name a few.

I've done my research on the availability of this fruit in Kenya and you can find it in most markets; City, Wakulima, Muthurwa just to name a few and also at supermarkets; Uchumi, Tuskys and Nakumatt among others. So the next time you come across Guyabano, don’t hesitate to add it to your shopping cart.

Friday, 31 May 2013


Have you ever wondered why there's such a big difference between the juice you blend from fresh fruits at home and the "convenient" juice you add to your shopping cart, to maybe save your precious time? Most shoppers are health conscious hence manufacturers have figured out the right words to make them buy otherwise unhealthy products; "With Natural Flavors", "Fruit flavored", "Natural and Artificial flavors".  Well what you need to know is that both Natural and Artificial Flavors are basically industrial made, only that the Natural Flavor is manufactured from plant or animal based products. Artificial flavors on the other hand are manufactured from chemicals and they end up resembling the real fruits in color and odor. Taste defers depending on the ingredient used to manufacture the flavor, that's why different products vary in taste yet they all have the same "flavor". These flavors have no nutritional benefits and their sole purpose is to make the product taste as close to the real fruit juice as possible.
According to the Kenya bureau of standards, most "fruit juices" in the market have little or no fruit and such labels are not only misleading, but also false and certainly illegal more so in Kenya. Different countries have their standards on juices and other products that use fruits or fruit flavors. In all of them though the product must have a certain amount of real fruit juice, Kenyan requirements being a low 5-10%. So why are most of the juices on our shelves continuing to sell without KEBS taking firm action? Unfortunately just like most Kenyans I don't have the right answer to that.
These juices however do contain loads of empty calories in unreasonable amounts of sugar (which has been scientifically proven to cause hyperactivity in children and eventually harm their brain cells) and potential carcinogens like Monosodiun Glutamate (also used in tomato sauce) so unless you wish potential harm to yourself or God-forbid your child; which I most certainly know you don't, AVOID THESE DEATH TRAPS AND ILL HEALTH ENHACERS LIKE THE PLAGUE!!!

FYI: I will be posting more on Monosodium Glutamate soon so please keep it for more. An informed man/woman is always well armoured to face what comes his/her way.


Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Starting off a new project or career is never an easy experience. I for one can tell you that for a fact. The skills, capital and connections necessary for the project's execution and success might not be automatically available to you when you most need them and if they are, more often than not we never have the right people around us or they are there and simply not willing to help out.

One lesson I have learnt is to never give up. It never makes sense at the time but with time you realize why good and successful  endeavors don't come easy. If however you end up in the minority who never easily give up you'll reap your most deserved success. Ever heard of a story about the mine owner who gave up and sold his mine only ten days before hitting the diamonds he had longed to mine? Well I hope you never end up committing suicide like he did because he let go alittle too early.

Never overwhelm yourself  thinking about the entire project and whether or not it will work. Most successful projects and companies were started off by one person who saw the successful end product at the very beginning and took his challenges and failures as lessons on how not to manage the project.
If you learn how to get up everytime you fall, failure will get tired of getting in your way and you'll end up as one of the many success stories out there. Embrace the worrior attitude today, pray for success, give your best to the task at hand and I believe the God who gave you the "big seemingly impossible" idea will help you execute it. 
Build what you can with what you have, and as you acquire additional resources, build upon what you have already built.